August 2023 news from Councillor Neil Ross

Options for the Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route
The Council’s Active Travel officers will shortly advertise several options for the Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route based on feedback received. These options are expected to be presented via drop-in sessions at Morningside Library and for feedback via an online consultation.
For the southern section in the Braid Estate, one option is an enhanced version of the current arrangements that reduces through traffic, another adds a cycle lane on Hermitage Drive and Braid Avenue and the third is a hybrid of the other two. There are also options for Whitehouse Loan and Clinton Road. A recent report on local traffic schemes is available at item 8.1 of the Transport Committee agenda here.
Number 9 Bus to run via George IV Bridge again!
Good news - In response to community feedback, Lothian Buses are to make two alterations to the Number 9 route. Buses will run on Potterrow, George IV Bridge, The Mound, Hanover Street, Dundas Street, and Great King Street instead of Bridges, Leith Street, Broughton Street. More details are available here.
Speeding traffic data released
I asked the Council to conduct speed surveys on local roads. As a result, surveys were carried out in April on Braid Road, Hermitage Drive, Midmar Drive, Midmar Avenue and Midmar Gardens. If you would like to see the data, I have posted some of it on my Facebook page If you would like to see data for the other streets, please let me know. I have pressed the Council (again) for proposals to reduce speeding and will ask the police to conduct regular speed checks when resources permit.
Braidburn Terrace works about to start
I understand that phase 1 of the long-awaited permanent improvement works to make Braidburn Terrace one-way are scheduled to begin next week. They will also include making the west end of Braid Crescent a one-way exit onto Comiston Road.
Action on Bin Hub locations
Several residents have contacted me to suggest alternative locations for some of the new bin hubs in Warrender Park Terrace, Marchmont Street, Roseneath Street, Warrender Park Road and Viewforth. In response, I arranged on-street meetings with Council Waste officers to discuss the suitability of possible alternative locations. The final proposals will be announced in September. More information on bin hub locations is available here.
Canny Mans Hotel plans amended
I understand that the original plans for a four-storey hotel building between the Canny Man’s pub and the Lane Hotel have been amended to remove one storey so that the height of the new building would be more in line with the Lane Hotel and the Canny Man’s pub. The original application is under reference 23/02585/CON and can be found on the Council’s Planning portal here.
Scottish Government consults on increasing Council Tax
The Scottish Government is consulting on increasing Council Tax charged on properties within bands E, F, G and H in the same way as was done a few years ago. The deadline for comments is 20 September and the consultation can be accessed here.
Garden Waste - If you don’t already have auto renewal, the garden waste collection service sign up window is currently open and closes at 2.00pm next Tuesday 5 September. More info here.
Short Term Lets - If you are an existing short term let landlord, the deadline for your licence application is 30 September. More info here.