CCWEL Update (Nov23)

After so long, the CCWEL works in Roseburn are almost complete.
There are however still various snagging issues - such as the position of litter bins on the bridge, some ponding on the cycle path and the lack of planters.
In addition, the Roseburn Street/Russell Road junction is still causing tailbacks at peak times.
Many residents have been in touch expressing concern at the new bin hub at the bottom of Murrayfield Avenue. The Lib Dem team, along with the Murrayfield Community Council have been investigating this. It was part of the consultation done in 2019, with the principle of the new location being that it is distant from dwellings. The bin hub surround should make it look more pleasant.
The bus stop has now been installed, although the tracker is still to be.
Local Lib Dem councillor Alan Beal said, āIām delighted that the CCWEL Works are almost complete. I hope we can soon breathe a sigh of relief.
"The walk-around with the Community Council and Officers was really helpful, so we could show officers and contractors what the issues are, in order to get them rectified.ā