Davidson stands up for education

Councillor Euan Davidson today stood up for Edinburgh's young people after years of a culture of cuts from the SNP.
As the Lib Dems proposed a Budget that stands up for schools, including £3.6m more for Special School upgrades, protection for Transition Teacher posts, protection for Pupil Support Assistant Posts, no cuts to headteacher's Devolved School Management budgets, and more money for road safety outside of schools, Councillor Davidson condemned the cuts in previous years from the SNP.
He said "Year on year, it was made clear that they would rather embrace an orthodoxy which saw our schools as easy targets. Now, I'm delighted that that orthodoxy has finally shifted and even the suggestion of Devolved School Management cuts hasn't made it into this Budget.
Over the last two budgets, the Lib Dems have been crystal clear that protecting this budget is a red line for our support."