December 2023 News from Councillor Neil Ross

Update on Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route Survey
The Council received over 1800 responses to the survey, with over a thousand comments. These are currently being analysed and a report is to be presented to the Transport Committee, sometime early next year. Whatever is agreed, a further six-month consultation will follow to gather the views of residents, as this is part of the legal process of an ETRO (experimental traffic regulation order). The survey options are outlined here.
More about bin hubs
The Council’s Bin Hub project team has been actively engaging with residents and ward councillors in response to concerns raised about the locations of bin hubs. As a result, several changes have been agreed for alternative locations that meet revised criteria. Implementation of bin hubs in zones S1, S2 and S3 should finish by the end of December and thereafter no further changes can be made. Consultation is still on-going in zone 8 with the formal TRO (traffic regulation order) process underway. Further information is available here. Click on the zone in the map to see bin hub locations. To raise specific concerns direct with the Bin Hub team, please contact
News on Braidburn Terrace/Braid Road/Comiston Road
Work continues with the resurfacing of Braidburn Terrace, the installation of a raised surface table at the junction with Braid Road and Hermitage Drive and the installation of the parallel pedestrian and cycle crossings on Braid Road and Hermitage Drive. The aim is to complete all these works before the contractor starts a two-week break on Friday 22 December. The contractor also hopes to complete the bulk of the works on raised crossings at the junctions of Braid Road with Braid Crescent and Braidburn Crescent. Works on Comiston Road at the Greenbank Crescent traffic lights will follow after the festive break ends on 8 January. The plans are available here.
Pavement Parking ban to start in January
New parking rules are being introduced to ban parking on pavements, double parking and parking at crossing points. There will be a period of awareness raising in December, when warning notices will be given to offenders, and full enforcement with parking penalties will be applied in January. More information, including penalty charges, is available here.
20mph for Cluny Gardens & Greenbank Crescent
New 20mph speed limits are, at last, being implemented on Cluny Gardens and Greenbank Crescent.
Have your say on -
Tourist Tax
What do you think about introducing a visitor levy or tourist tax to Edinburgh? The Council is running a pre-consultation informal survey and wants ideas on how much to charge, who should pay and how the funds raised could be spent. The survey closes on 19 January and is available here.
Workplace Parking Levy
Views are also being sought on a possible workplace parking levy (WPL). This aims to discourage congestion caused by car commuting and to encourage greater use of public transport and active travel by funding improvements paid for by a WPL. The consultation closes on 6 February and is available here.
Street Trading
The Council is also seeking residents’ views on street trading and street markets, such as tourist gift stalls on the Royal Mile and street food vans. The consultation closes on 13 December and is available here.