Edinburgh City Council Budget
Thursday 20th February was annual budget-setting day for Edinburgh City Council. The focus for the Lib Dems was to build on our previous budgets and look to continue investment in Education, Health, the repair of our roads, pavements and paths and investing in our Parks and flood prevention.
So, in Education we prevented planned cuts to transition teachers and pupil support and we increased investment in our special school estate.
In Health and Social Care we agreed additional funding for the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board (EIJB) which in partnership with NHS Lothian delivers health and social care across the city.
We made sure that the £12.5m agreed last year for fixing roads, pavements and paths was continued this year - funding which the SNP wanted to cut. Having listened to the call from many Parent Councils and residents we also secured the biggest ever budget for road safety of £5.7m.
Finally, we made sure that there was continuing investment in parks and flood prevention.
Lib Dem Inverleith Councillor Hal Osler says, ”Every year it does get harder to balance a budget, as demand grows and there are not the resources to meet it. So it does become more and more important that the Council provides value for the money and listens to residents.”