July 2023 news from Councillor Neil Ross

- Blackford Pond Tidy Up
- Eric Liddell Community events coming up soon
- Should Permitted Development Rights include Replacement Windows and Renewable Energy Equipment?
- Give your views on Amplified Busking in the City Centre
- How to report an overgrown hedge
- Replacement of communal bins with parking bays
Blackford Pond Tidy Up
The Friends of the Hermitage & Blackford Hill have organised a tidy up around Blackford Pond. Can you help for a couple of hours? Volunteers are asked to meet on Sunday 6 August at 10.00am at the Blackford Pond entrance at the Cluny Gardens/Charterhall Road gate. Further details on what to bring and wear are on Facebook here. If you love the Hill and the Hermitage, the Friends are looking for more on-going support. Contact them via FB or their website here.
Eric Liddell Community events coming up soon
Next year will see a special programme of commemorative events to celebrate 100 years on from Eric Liddell’s historic success at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. Events coming up soon at the Eric Liddell Community include two concerts and a talk on the making of the film Chariots of Fire. Details are available here.
Should Permitted Development Rights include Replacement Windows and Renewable Energy Equipment?
The Scottish Government is running a consultation on possible changes to planning policy including whether to extend permitted development rights to include replacement windows and renewable energy equipment. If a development comes within permitted development rights, then no planning application is required. The consultation report is here and the consultation can be accessed here. The deadline for comments is 23 August.
Amplified Busking in the City Centre
Most people enjoy hearing talented musicians providing musical entertainment on our streets, if they don’t play too loud. Unfortunately, some buskers use amplifiers so their music is so loud it can disturb visitors, local residents and businesses. The Council is running a consultation to find out what people think about amplified busking. It runs till 31 August and can be accessed here.
How to report an overgrown hedge
Overgrown hedges, bushes and plants that encroach onto the pavement can be reported to the Council here. The Council will write to the property owner and ask them to cut it back.
Replacement of communal bins with parking bays
As a consequence of the Council’s roll out of new communal bin hubs, with the resulting loss of some parking bays, the old bins will eventually be removed leaving spaces for new parking bays. The Council has advertised these proposed changes in traffic regulation order TRO/23/26. It can be accessed here. Comments should be sent to TRO.Consultations@edinburgh.gov.uk before the deadline on 11 August.