Murrayfield Events

We know there was a significant impact on access for residents during the recent set of concerts at Murrayfield Stadium. The introduction of parking barriers seems to have helped the situation in Saughtonhall for the later concerts, but may have resulted in some displacement onto the Balgreen Road area.
If you have any specific problems that you would like to raise with us or any ideas about how the situation can be improved for future events please let us know.
A number of constituents also raised concern regarding litter following these events.
The Council is limited in terms of preventing the sale of certain products and should therefore be looking into how we can prevent littering or ensure a swift clean up in order to protect our environment.
Fiona asked the Council Leader what reassurance he could provide in terms of ensuring a swift clean up operation in anticipation of similar events - especially when we have prior knowledge of what items are being sold and will inevitably be discarded.