November's news from Councillor Neil Ross

Action on Comiston Road congestion
To help reduce congestion at Greenbank Crescent traffic lights and speed up the buses, I asked the Council to turn off the Braidburn Terrace exit phase, so that these lights could be better co-ordinated with the lights at the Greenbank Drive junction. This was due to happen eventually as part of the traffic light changes. I have also asked for bollards to be moved to allow more space for traffic to pass on the inside of vehicles turning right into Greenbank Crescent, although this will remain an issue until the filter is installed.
I am aware of increased burglaries in the Braid Estate and have asked for more police patrols. As always, if you see anyone acting suspiciously, report it via 101. Police advice on how to protect your home is available here. Other ways to deter crime include setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, of which more here, and a ‘No Cold Calling’ zone. The Council promotes NCC zones here.
Braid Road Closure
Braid Road was closed without advance warning because of a breakdown in communication between the contractor and the Council. I have received an apology from the Council and a commitment to ensure that advance warning is given when work is done to the Greenbank Crescent traffic light junction. I understand the closure of Braid Road may continue into December to re-model the junction as shown on the plans here.
Friends of the Hermitage AGM & Plea for help
The Friends of the Hermitage are holding their AGM on Thursday 16th November at 7.30pm in the St Andrew Room of Morningside Parish Church. The group was one of the first "Friends" groups in Edinburgh but, as the group enters its 25th year, it is very disappointing to hear they are ceasing all the monthly practical work days in the Hermitage Nature Reserve, due to a lack of task organisers. If you can help to keep the work days going, please attend the meeting or contact the Friends via enquiries (at)
Free Garden Trees
‘Free trees’ is a new scheme launched by the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust, along with the Council and the Woodlands Trust. It is part of an initiative to have a million trees in Edinburgh by 2030. 9,000 trees are available to plant from November to March and can be collected from the Eric Liddell Centre on Saturday 25th November between 10am and 4pm. There is information on other collection days here.
Plans to convert the Priory in Canaan Lane into flats
Plans for been submitted for the partial demolition and conversion of the office building at The Priory, 37 Canaan Lane into 8 flats and 3 townhouses with associated infrastructure, parking and landscaping. The plans can be viewed on the Council’s planning portal under reference 23/05892/FUL here. The deadline for comments is Friday 24 November.
Garden Waste Sign Up
The next opportunity to sign up for the Council’s Garden Waste collection service starts on 1 December. A direct debit arrangement is available too. There is more information here.