Southside/Newington October 2020 Update

OCTOBER 2020: Ward Champion, PAULINE FLANNERY, Southside Newington. This is my first blog-newsletter, and one month in, has seen plenty of activity: Social Survey Distribution, Party Conference, Zoom-to-Zooms and a round of photographs!
Community Councils
Southside CC, 2nd Tuesday in the month; Grange & Prestonfield CC, 3rd Wednesday in the month; Marchmont & Sciennes CC, 4th Wednesday in the month.
It’s been good to attend all three CCs last month. They offer a unique snapshot of the ward areas. These public meetings, currently held on Zoom, cover issues that directly affect you. Feedback from your local council representative, and the Q & A, is lively and particularly useful as face-to-face surgeries are not being held at the moment. It has also been an opportunity for me to meet local Councillors. Issues in Southside Newington are common: Spaces for People, bin collections, short-lets, green spaces and the ubiquitous pot-holes. Particularities are: the future Scottish Widows Building, refurbishment of the Innocent Railway Tunnel and the feasibility study for the entire Astley Ainsley site by Astley Ainsley Community Trust. Register and zoom-in.
Communal Binhubs: Street Stall, Bruntsfield Links, 23rd September 2020
Daniel Farquhar, Waste Management, is passionate about what he does. The aim is to ensure each bin location is provided with a fully integrated waste and re-cycling service. The project will benefit recycling services to residents in multiple occupancy and tenement properties. Southside Newington is in Phase 3 of the rolling-out programme. It has a high concentration of on-street communal usage, and a high proportion of Controlled Parking Zones. This will involve Traffic Regulation Orders. The realistic start in Southside Newington will be Spring/Summer 2021. To read the full context, please visit:
Reporting Issues to the Council Just Got Easier
The council has removed the requirement to sign in to the mygovscot myaccount portal to use their online waste services, ‘report a missed bin’ and ‘request a collection of household bulky waste items.’ As of now, this change applies to the remaining waste transactions on the Council’s website. Mygovscot registration will be optional - residents who still wish to keep a record of their transaction in their online account can choose to sign in to their mygovscot myaccount, as they have done in the past. Mygovscot myaccount will still be required to access Council Tax online and ParentPay.
Hot Topics for the Month: Spaces for People Newington Library to re-open on 6th October. Flu Vaccine drive-in hubs: full details on FB page. to leave me a message to find out more about me
Facebook: Paulineflannerylibdem@pauline4southside Newington - community
It is my aim to produce a newsletter on a monthly basis, so please feel free to contact me to help shape content and communication(s) in the future. Meanwhile, here are some useful follow up links below -
- For the link to the Council’s Astley Ainsley Consultation:
- The link to the Astley Ainsley Trust
- To report a gully problem
- Information about community councils:
- Our main websites: