Powderhall housing site delay

Unfortunately there are further delays to the old Waste Transfer Station site on Broughton Road.
Leith Walk Lib Dem Councillor Jack Caldwell asked the Convenor of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee for an update.
Councillor Caldwell said “While it's a disappointing delay, I'm grateful for the commitments given by Council officers and the Convenor that various aspects are unaffected. I look forward to the future of the site including arts studios, a nursery and affordable housing. I also understand from followup conversations that the Council is targeting a funding application for the junction in the coming year.”
The full answer from Councillor Marion-Cameron is below.
Question 1: Which department or organisation took the decision to withdraw the proposed affordable and social-rent housing development (24/01569/FUL) at the old Powderhall Waste Transfer Station?
Answer 1: The Development and Regeneration team within Sustainable Development (Place) took the decision to withdraw the planning application.
Question 2: On what grounds was this decision taken?
Answer 2: The decision was taken on the basis that the advice given from the Planning Service was that the application would be recommended for refusal based on unacceptable height and massing. There was not enough time to redesign the development to address these issues and therefore withdrawing and resubmitting was the only option.
Question 3: Is there an indicative timeline for the submission of a new application?
Answer 3: The Development and Regeneration team are currently reviewing the feedback and are looking at all options for redesign. A revised application will be submitted as soon as possible. A date for resubmission has not yet been set.
Question 4: What (if any) impact does the Council foresee on the:
a) proposed junction pedestrian, cyclist and school safety upgrade on McDonald Road and Broughton Road, which as of September 2024 was seeking external funding? and;
b) shared use (pedestrian and cycling) path widening to St Mark’s Park?
Answer 4: The Council remains committed to completing and opening the Powderhall Stables Block, starting the construction of the Early Years facility and the wheelchair accessible affordable housing on the Bowling Green Site, and continuing with funding applications and delivery of the wider public realm and junction improvements. This is not affected by the decision to withdraw the planning application for the Waste Transfer Site.