Road and Pavement Repairs in Inverleith

Following on from the Lib Dem Budget being agreed in February, the Transport and Environment Committee agreed which roads and pavements would be upgraded over the next financial year.
The extra £11m that came from the Lib Dem budget has meant that double the number of roads and pavements will be attended too then was originally planned.
In Inverleith ward, that includes;
Carriageway Resurfacing on; Comely Bank Road.
Road Surface Treatments on; Easter Drylaw Place, Wester Drylaw Place, Craigcrook Road, House O'Hill Crescent and Road, Hillpark Avenue, South Groathill Avenue, Orchard Brae Gardens and Orchard Brae Gardens West, Orchard Terrace and Glenogle Road.
Footway Surface Treatments on: Keith Crescent, Orchard Brae Gardens, Crewe Road South, Craigleith Hill Avenue, Crescent, Green, Grove, Loan and Park, Orchard Bank and Drive, Easter Drylaw Grove, Gardiner Road, Drylaw Crescent, Queensferry Road, South Groathill Avenue, Groathill Road North, Hillhouse Road and Ferry Road
The full list can be found here.