September & October's news from Councillor Neil Ross

This update includes;
- Options for the Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route
- Braidburn Terrace one-way scheme
- Astley Ainslie Community Trust update
- Viewforth is to be resurfaced
- Amplification of Sound in Public Spaces
- Marchmont Storm tank update
- Speed limits review – 20 mph
- Community Councils Scheme & Boundary Review
Sorry for the delay in issuing this latest news update, as I have been even busier than usual at the Council, so have combined two months into one!
Options for the Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route
The Council’s Active Travel officers have drawn up and advertised several options for the Greenbank/Meadows Quiet Route, based on feedback received from residents. The options retain safe routes for walking, wheeling and cycling and are available to view on my website here. The consultation is available here. It runs until Sunday 22 October, so make sure you have your say.
Braidburn Terrace one-way scheme
As you may have seen, work is underway to make the Braidburn Terrace scheme permanent. More details and pictures of the plans are available to view on my website here. Advance notice of works affecting Comiston Road is to be given both on-street and via Edintravel.
Astley Ainslie Community Trust update
The AACT AGM is on Saturday 21st October at 2.30 pm at the Eric Liddell Centre. More info here. Membership info here. Another Nature Day will be held on Sunday 29 October 12 noon – 4 pm with a range of activities including: apple pressing; forest bathing; birdwatching; tree walks and autumn crafts. There will also be a heritage tour of the site, along with an orienteering trail and fungal foray.
Viewforth is to be resurfaced
The Council is to resurface the entire length of Viewforth. Current plans suggest this will be throughout November.
Amplification of Sound in Public Spaces
I’m pleased to report that on Thursday the Council agreed to proceed with actions to address the disturbance arising from the excessive amplification of sound from buskers. Actions include possible legal steps as well as lamp post advertising to promote the Council’s guidance for buskers. A report was presented to the Culture & Communities Committee on the results of an online residents’ survey on Amplification by Buskers. The report is item 7.1 on the meeting agenda here.
Marchmont Storm tank update
The latest update from Scottish Water on the Marchmont Sewer tank is here.
Speed Limits Review – 20 mph
The results of the Council’s consultation on speed limits will be considered at next Thursday’s meeting of the Transport Committee. The report is item 8.2 on the agenda here.
Community Councils Scheme & Boundary Review
What are community councils for? How do they operate? What areas do they cover? The Council is consulting on these questions to update the arrangements it put in place in 2019. More info here.